The Digital Vibes

Live Blogging Tools
July 6, 2008, 2:20 pm
Filed under: Blogs, Social Media | Tags: , , , , , ,

There are also web apps available to help bloggers with their live blogging endeavours, incuding CoverItLive reviewed by Mashable as an interactive widget which borrows tactics from video blogging tools, instant messaging and user-engaged chat, that users can place on their blogs or websites.

The blogger interacts with this widget that acts like a one-way chat tool while readers can send in questions and leave comments, which will be moderated by the blogger. The widget also allows the sharing of images and videos.

An alternative to blogging is the use of Twitter (for those who are lost here, it’s a microblogging service with a 140-word limit for each post or what it calls “tweets”), for bloggers to join a conversation about the event on Twitter. You can find out if there is an existing hashtag for the event. A hashtag is an event tag or title that attendees use on Twitter for their updates related to that specific event.

For bloggers and event organizers alike, it’s a good idea to check out Summize to know what’s the buzz (if any) surrounding the event. Summize is essentially a search engine for tweets so Twitter fans know what other Twitter fans are saying about their common topic, and organizers can find out what the tech-savvy are saying about their event.

Live Blogging @ Events
July 5, 2008, 2:16 pm
Filed under: Blogs, Social Media | Tags: , ,

I spent 4 years in the exhibition and conference industry, at a time when bloggers were still considered poseurs who were trying to get press privileges, without actually being members of the press. Embarrassingly I was a gatekeeper then, denying bloggers of press passes and free food in the media center, ironically at a technology show.

Fast forward to today, my past has caught up with me as I advocate the importance of bloggers to resistant PR folks and management, explaining that bloggers are not only legitimate media, they are actually stronger influencers than traditional media with more sustained impact on their followers.

It was therefore very interesting to read Mashable’s take on How to Live Blog a Conference, filled with tips for bloggers to plan their schedule at an event. The message to event organizers from me today, is for you to recognize how bloggers can increase the visibility and credibility of your event, build buzz surrounding your event, and engage a community with your event.

In order to help bloggers help you, it is important to cater to their needs by providing wireless Internet access at your event and to provide them with an event schedule so they can plan their editorial lineup. Show organizers, especially tech show organizers, are you listening?